German Analysts Stats: “Rates of Sexual Offenses Increase Significantly in the Vicinity of Asylum Centers”

Map of reported crimes in Germany in 2016.

A group of German activists have carried out a study which found that rates of sexual offenses increase significantly in the vicinity of asylum reception centers, Germany’s Journalistenwatch news portal reported.

A group of German activists called XY Einzelfall have has used Google Maps to establish a link between the presence of asylum seekers and sexual violence, Germany’s Journalistenwatch news portal reported.


The analysts used reports from local media, mainstream media and the police to compile a map of crimes across Germany, including sexual assault, attempted rape, robbery and criminal assault. The map shows the town in which the attack happened but it doesn’t mark the exact spot. These crimes were then compared with another map showing the location of Germany’s asylum reception centers. Comparison of the two maps appears to reveal correlation between the presence of an asylum reception center and the proportion of sex offences in the vicinity of the center.

europe-is-under-invasion-111Within a two kilometer radius of an asylum reception center, there was an average of 476 reported sex crimes, or 21.82 percent of all the crimes reported. Within a ten kilometer radius there were 11,154 reported sex crimes, or 15.80 percent of all the crimes reported.

The data appears to show that the proportion of sex offenses declines further away from asylum reception centers. Within a radius of ten to 15 kilometers from asylum centers the proportion of sex crime falls to 8.53 percent. Between 40 and 50 kilometers away from asylum reception centers, the proportion of sex offenses falls to just 1.19 percent.

Map showing location of Germany’s asylum reception centers.

The group of activists who made the map call themselves XY-Einzelfall because Einzelfall, which means ‘isolated case’ in German, is a term often used by the German police and media to underplay the extent of migrant crime.

“We decided to make the map because the German press is staying silent, they are only reporting selectively, not the whole disaster,” XY-Einzelfall told Sputnik.

The only Police-related person who addresses the issue in the press without whitewashing it is Rainer Wendt, head of the German Police Union.”

XY-Einzelfall aim to inform Germans about the dangers of Angela Merkel’s policies


This chart shows the incidence of sexual crimes and its relation to the distance in kilometers from asylum centers Read more:

“We aren’t trying to prove a theory or explore data. We want to inform people, show them how Germany is being changed by Merkel, show them that woman are in danger everywhere in Germany, not only in Cologne. But not only women, also the elderly and children,” they said.

“We aren’t trying to tell anybody what to do. We just want people to be alert to the huge danger around them. The biggest news show in Germany didn’t even mention the (recent) homicide in Freiburg and that the perpetrator who raped and killed the girl is a refugee.”

According to Germany’s Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), almost 900,000 refugees and migrants arrived in Germany in 2015, and this year almost 300,000 are expected to arrive.

The influx has led to concern about increased crime rates, which has boosted support for the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany.

According to German police statistics, in 2015 there were 6.33 million recorded crimes in Germany, a 4.1 percent increase compared to 2014.

In Germany in 2015 there were 46,081 reported sex crimes, or 0.8 of the total offenses recorded.

The police statistics show a staggering 158.3 percent increase in the number of non-Germans suspected of committing crime, including asylum seekers, compared to the previous year.

In 2014 non-Germans were suspects in 179,563 crimes, or 8.4 percent of all recorded crimes. In 2015 non-Germans were suspects in 463,889 crimes, or 26 percent of all crimes.


Source: SputnikNews

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